Move from reactive to proactive lone worker safety

Keep Your Lone Workers Safe Anywhere, Anytime with Aatmunn's Versatile Lone Worker Platform

Real-Time Monitoring

Live Worker Locations: View active worker locations in real-time with street and satellite views.

Battery and Status Updates: Monitor device battery levels and worker status to ensure continuous connectivity.

Emergency Communication

Multiple Contact Methods: Instantly connect with workers via video call, audio call, text-to-speech messages, or audio callbacks.

SOS Alerts: Lone workers can easily trigger SOS events, sending immediate notifications to the platform and designated contacts.

Event Management

Critical and Non-Critical Events: Track events ranging from device power-ons to missed check-ins, and respond with custom incident management plans.

Geofencing: Set up geofences to define safe zones and receive alerts when boundaries are crossed.

Built for and trusted by lone workers and leaders around the world

Compliance And Reporting

Check-in History: Access detailed logs of worker check-ins, locations, and activities to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Automated Alerts: Receive notifications via email, text, or phone call for all critical events and compliance updates.

Mobile Application

User-friendly Interface: Lone workers can easily manage check-ins, activate safety timers, and send SOS alerts through our intuitive mobile app.

Real-User-friendly Interface: Lone workers can easily manage check-ins, activate safety timers, and send SOS alerts through our intuitive mobile app.Time Alerts

Additional Features

Media Gallery: Securely upload and store photos and videos taken by lone workers during their shifts.

Customizable Check-in Forms: Pre-start forms and activity-specific questions to ensure thorough safety checks.

Ready to Get Started?

Experience the full benefits of Aatmunn's Lone Worker application. Sign up for a free trial or book a demo with our team today!

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